

Distributors purchase products directly from the company at wholesale online or by mail or toll-free telephone.  There are no minimum or maximum quotas. Fuller's generous commission structure provides an excellent income just retailing, with a wide variety of sales methods available to suit part-time or full-time endeavors. 
However, we recommend taking advantage of all 3 profit centers.  Fuller's consumables are priced right and save money by doing the job right the first time, costing less per use, and any customer will tell you how economical the brooms, mops, and brushes are because they last so long. You can be excited about doing people a favor, letting them buy Fuller Brush products again.

    The chart below shows the commissions you can receive on your purchases and sales.  All new distributors and wholesale Preferred Customers start off as Sales Associates, earning 20%-24%* on your first $600 PGV. (*Manager Drive bonus rewards “producers” with another 10% on your first $600 - see below).PGV is the retail value of your Personal purchases/sales and your Group’sVolume if you recruit other distributors.  If you sell/purchase $200 your first month, you bypass 20% earning 22% on the entire amount; $400 your first month will give you 24% on the entire amount.  The $600 requirement to become a Manager accumulates from month to month.  You take your percentage off your orders immediately and send in only the wholesale price. Use the products yourself if you want to be successful in telling others what you sell. Fuller products go on special every month in convenient inexpensive 16-page full color catalogs, and you take your percentage off those discounted prices!

    As soon as you have accumulated $600 in retail product volume (before discounts), you become a Manager permanently (until your next promotion) and earn a minimum 26% commission, and potential commissions jump very quickly up to 46%, giving you the incentive to build at least some retail business for immediate extra cash.  Manager commissions are based on monthly volume.  Mail-order and internet sales are included in your personal sales figures. 

             **(see chart below) Professional retailers consistently selling $1750/month personally can earn an extra 1% quarterly bonus; $2000+ 2%; $2500+ 3%; and $3000+/month an extra 4%, giving you 50% off everything you buy or sell.

(All New Distributors)
Monthly Personal      DISCOUNT
Monthly Personal      DISCOUNT
   Accumulated           DISCOUNT
Group Volume            EARNED
Group Volume          EARNED
      Personal                  EARNED

$0.00 - $749.99                41%
Group Volume
$0.00 - $74.99                  26%
$750.00 - $949.99            44%

$75.00 - $149.99              29%
$950.00 - $1749.99          45%
$0.00 - $199.99                     20%
$150.00 - $249.99            32%
$1750.00 - $2999.99        46%
$200.00 - $399.99                 22%
$250.00 - $399.99            35%
$3000.00 - $4999.99        50%
$400.00 - $600.00                 24%
$400.00 - $549.99            38%
$5000.00 - $7999.99        51%

$550.00 - $749.99            41%
$8000.00 +                       52%
Promoted to Manager after
$750.00 - $949.99            44%
$8000.00 +                     *53%
accumulating $600 of business >>
$950.00 - $1749.99          45%
$8000.00 +                     *54%
See also the Manager Drive Promo
$1750.00 +                   **46%
$8000.00 +                     *55%

Giving income examples is always hypothetical, and Sales Associate and Manager percentages vary, making figuring difficult. For those of you who have wanted actual income figures and the math, here’s one potential. What you earn of course depends on you, but here are some possibilities. Want to earn more than this, faster? Simply sell more and recruit more.
compiled & © by RR/Fuller Brush Downeast Winning Team (FB-DWT) 5/04,
Independent Distributors.

MONTH 1  - (examples assume that your very first order is over $150 retail to qualify for the free sweeper)
A. Sell $300 your first month. You receive 22% off immediately, plus a $60 Carpet Sweeper, and a $30 Manager Drive bonus. Net result: $350 of products for $204 (= 41% net commission), and  $146 profit.        {There is also a fast start bonus to give you even more}
B. Sell $600 your first month. You receive 24% off immediately, plus a $60 Carpet Sweeper, and a $60 Manager Drive bonus. Net result: $650 of products for $396 (= 39% net commission), and  $254 profit. PLUS, as part of the Manager Drive bonus, you get 1000 Free double-sided business cards and a magnetic car sign. Any sales after this $600 are credited on the Manager pay scale, earning you 41% on $550, or 44% on $750, or more.

Assuming you achieved the Manager level last month (B. above), RECRUIT 3 new dealers in your first 2 months who each sell $300 in your second month. They earn example A above. You only sell $300 this month. That is $1200 total group volume, pushing you to 45% discount. You earn $135 on your sales, plus commission from recruits of (45% - their 22% = 23%) = $207. Plus since your 3 recruits earned free Carpet Sweepers, so do YOU = another $150 profit.    Net profit on recruiting and $300 personal sales:  $492 profit.

RECRUIT 3 more new dealers who each sell $300. They earn example A above. You sell $300 this month. Your first 3 dealers also sell $300 each. That is $2100 total group volume, pushing you to 46% discount. You earn $138 on your sales, plus a commission from recruits of (46% - the 3 new dealers’ 22% = 24%) = $216. Plus since 3 of your recruits earn free Carpet Sweepers, so do YOU = another $150. You also earn the over-ride of your first 3 dealers’ second month sales (46% - their 24% = 22%) = $198. Plus, since they advance to Manager and earn the Manager Drive bonus, YOU earn the Sponsoring Drive bonus of $45 each = $135.        Net profit from recruiting 6 people, and $300 personal sales:  $837 profit.

Sell more, recruit more, earn more. This is only 3 months of doing a little. The Fast Start bonuses are not even included. If your new dealers also recruit new dealers, it increases your entire volume that you get paid on. Commissions are calculated on the total volume in each of your distributor’s groups, no matter how many levels down they go. Build a productive organization of distributors, plug them into our success system, and help them and yourself when they have questions. You can quickly build to a fulltime income. 46% is the maximum Manager discount, but certainly not the limit. If you AND your distributors recruit enough people so that you have at least 15 people ordering $35+ every month (at least 5 of them personally sponsored) with a total volume of at least $3000, then you can advance to Director and earn 50-52% discount.   Helping others to make money is a terrific way to earn a living!